Programming with Data

Undergraduate (BSc) course, Utrecht University, School of Information and Computer Science, 2020

This course in the pre-master ADS is an introduction to computational thinking about data-related problems and the implementation of data analysis programs with Python. It starts at the very basics and is explicitly intended for students who have no or only little programming experience.

The course requires no specific previous knowledge, in particular no prior programming skills. You will need a computer/laptop to do the exercises and assignments. Any operating system (Windows, Mac OSX, Linux) is fine, as long as new software can be installed on the machine. We assume that you have elemental computer skills such as browser usage, storing files, installing programs, etc.


Course Goals

  1. Think computationally about data-related problems
  2. Design programs for specific computational tasks
  3. Write Python programs for specific computational tasks
  4. Asking and reading input from the user
  5. Loading data from files
  6. Preprocessing and analyzing data
  7. Performing calculations
  8. Simulating processes
  9. Visualizing data and results
  10. Storing data and results into files
  11. Validate Python programs for correct functioning
  12. Document and describe Python programs